How would you respond to this question, “If you were assigned to mentor a person new to leadership and could only share one thing with them to help them be most effective, what advice would you give them?” I have asked this question over the years when teaching a leadership course entitled Upward Leadership. Over […]
The Three Hardest Words for Leaders to Say
As leaders, we all know the importance of setting a good example. Posner and Kouzes, in The Leadership Challenge, refer to it as Model the Way. It’s one of the five fundamental practices of exemplary leadership. It obviously makes sense to set a good example. Why, then, is it hard to admit a mistake? After […]
Going Global: Leading Through Culture Clash
Globalization is a fact of life. But I believe we have underestimated its fragility. Kofi Annan Globalization is a fact of life for corporations…and for nonprofits. Leading a non-profit is a challenging job, but leading a global non-profit adds another layer of complexity. In the twenty-first century transportation and communication systems get us around the […]
The Role of Organizational Design in Twenty-First Century Policing Organizations
Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly. Francis Bacon The law enforcement profession is again battered by the cyclical fiscal upheaval that comes around every few years. We are not yet ten years into this new century and the issues that confront us, as well as […]
Learning from a Coaching Pro…A Coaching Lesson from Jesus
As a leader or coach, does it excite you when people get it…when they are finally able to connect the dots? It does me! It’s like, “Hurray…Yes!” What if you were more effective at helping people get it? Are you interested in learning from a pro? If so, this article contains insights from Coach Jesus […]