Checkpoint 360
Leaders need feedback—to see themselves through the eyes of others. As a young supervisor, I wanted to know how my leadership was viewed by my direct reports. The feedback I received revealed that in some areas the way my direct reports viewed me was consistent with the way I viewed myself, but there were other areas where they did not see me the way I saw myself. The feedback from the 360 helped me manage the gaps to become a more effective leader. Over the course of my career, I did 360’s at every leadership/management level. I found it extremely beneficial in helping progress as a leader.
Checkpoint 360 is a great way to get feedback from your superiors, peers, direct reports, and others. It only takes about 15 minutes for each person to give you feedback. The results from the feedback help identify where you can refine your leadership skills. Checkpoint 360 will provide feedback on 8 Universal Management and Leadership Competencies:
- Communication
- Leadership
- Adaptability
- Task Management
- Relationships
- Production
- Development of Others
- Personal Development
The report allows those giving feedback to add written comments for more specific feedback. One of our client’s favorite features is the survey questions to evaluate how you and your boss’s priorities are aligned. The differences in priority can result in frustration for both you and your boss. The feedback opens the door to a great opportunity for clarity around priorities and specific recommended areas for improvement.
Dr. Switzer can facilitate individual and group debriefings in person or remotely. Coaching can be tailored to focus on specific recommended areas of development. Contact Dr. Switzer at or call him at 916-788-1094. Take a next step toward growing your leadership today!
Insight Gold 20/20 for 360s and Organizational Development
Awareness precedes change. Leaders need feedback, not just from the boss, but from team members and peers. How does your style impact others? What do others appreciate or wish you would stop? Too often, leaders are blind to how their leadership impacts others. In addition to Checkpoint 360, we are pleased to be able to customize 360. The assessments can be designed to get feedback in any area. For example, some organizations want leaders to get feedback pertaining to company values, while others want specific feedback that may differ from off-the-shelf 360s. Switzer Associates utilizes proprietary software to develop customized 360 assessments to get the feedback leaders desired to improve their effectiveness and help achieve their goals.
The 20/20 Insight Gold provides a platform for conducting other assessments, such as organizational health and leadership team building assessments. These are powerful assessments to get real-time feedback. The assessment items can be rated and/or provide the option for written comments. The results of these assessments are provided in an attractive, easy-to-read format.
Switzer Associates Leadership Solutions has been using this platform since 2005. The feedback helps leaders and organizations get valuable insights whether to measure the pulse of a team, or group of people, or in preparation for a team building workshop.